Thursday, 11 May 2017

Cash Card Management System-WINHMS

WINHMS is the advanced technology technique to provide the cash card management system.It is a Special Payment Management concept available at POS module as add on option. Using Cash Card properties can eliminate cash / credit card settlements at the appropriate places like rush hour bar, food court, amusement park, special events, sales promotion, Clubs, etc.

The major advantage is properties can collect the cash in advance and the Guest will go easy on shopping with plastic card. Guest while settling the bills can use Cash Card as Payment mode instead of other payments. System provides Cash Card Support at one or multiple POS outlets.

Card Technology:

System supports both magnetic and proximity cards. Incase of propriety encryption or manufacturer specific card reader or smart card, customization is required for reading card numbers.

Normally serial port (RS232) based card reader is required to read data for both magnetic and proximity cards.

Cash Card Management:

It's System supports both magnetic and proximity cards. Incase of propriety encryption or manufacturer specific card reader or smart card, customization is required for reading card numbers.

Normally serial port (RS232) based card reader is required to read data for both magnetic and proximity cards.

Always card is created with an expiry date. Normally the duration of the expiry date is decided from the date of issue based on a predefined duration as per the settings.
System allows the card management operations for the followings:
a)Block / Bar Cards in case the card is lost
b)Extend the Card Expiry Date in case the Card has expired based on the request
c)Cancel the Cards in case the card has been lost
d)Reactivate the Cards in case to reuse the barred cards

Cash Card Top Up:

Cards can be top-upped, based on payments received by cash or credit Cards, during the first card issue or any time later. Only active cards are eligible for Top Up.

Daily Cash Card Top Up Report shall be provided card wise.

Cash Card Refund:

Cash Refund can be done when the card is returned back with some remaining balance amount as per the policy of the property.

Amount Transfer from one Card to other Card:

It system shall provide a card-to-card amount transfer so that new cards are top upped from the balances of existing old cards. This can be used when cards are lost and new cards are issued to customers.

Using Cash Card at Outlets:

It system accepts the cash card swipe during the bill settlement against the payment mode ‘Cash Card’. System will read the card number, get the Guest name from the system, validate the card expiry date and then display the card id, name of the Guest with the balance amount as per the card.

Cash Card Transaction Lodge:

It System provides card wise detailed statement, which provides information on top up, refund, Settlement Details along with opening and closing balances. Users can query card wise balance amt at any point of time.

WINHMS provides complete hotel ERP software solutions provides for the hospitality industry.It covers wide range advanced technology in hospitality industry.